Nothing came of it, although Google did have this suggestion:
Did you mean: `c nyswcaa`
I really want to know what my girl is up to - do we need to have a talk about boys? Drinking? So I clicked on it. She seems to have developed an interest in the New York State Women's Collegiate Athletic Association. I hope this is a passing fancy - New York is far away - but I do have to say I'm proud of her ambition. It's just all happening way too fast. Last week she went into heat. This week she lost a tooth ... it's rough being a cat mom. You're putting baby teeth under her pillow, and your progeny is ready to flee the nest.

(The Tooth Fairy brought us some cat treats, by the way.)
I have lots of art shows to talk about, but for now I'd rather play scrabble.
So here are some pictures I've collected, which otherwise don't have anything to do with one another.

a nightstand made of picture frames, or facsimile picture frames .. I think it's from anthropologie.
a cozy reading room that desperately needs cats but has a fantastic chair (i have a chair thing. this one is probably my favorite so far, but more chairs here and here)

a room more modern than I'd generally go for, but I love the seafoam couch, and the green shadow in the windows
Audrey Hepburn shopping with her pet deer ..
brilliant artwork, source more or less unknown .. *

a room more modern than I'd generally go for, but I love the seafoam couch, and the green shadow in the windows

{i got it here, attributed to Belarusian artist Mikolka-Parovoz; a French blogger credits him with the work as well, citing this page (in Latvian - no help there) as a source; but I can't find a damn thing about this cat in English, other than in blogs citing the blog where I found it as a source. And to confuse things further, apparently Mikolka-Parovoz is a movie, which makes me wonder if the information is erroneous in the first place. shame. a bummer of a dead end.}
Alright, well I'm going to go eat dinner, but I thought I should add that while I was typing up this post, Phoenix changed the title to `c vsswcaA`98 .. I'm sure that clarifies things.
If not, this certainly will.
(don't be scared. it's just a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon.)
Yay! It's raining.
hey, new color. is it good? is it too white? does it look like it's been through the wash?
I thought it looked good with the spoon chandelier ..
If not, this certainly will.
(don't be scared. it's just a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon.)
Yay! It's raining.
hey, new color. is it good? is it too white? does it look like it's been through the wash?
I thought it looked good with the spoon chandelier ..
* late breaking news!! (5/8/08) .. anonymous tip, which I'm very happy to have received: the artwork above is called Machine (III) and is by Vladimir Tsesler and (the late) Sergey Voichenko